Reliable certification according to PSO is becoming increasingly important!
After ten years, the certification of prepress and printing enterprises according to ProcessStandard Offset still continues to grow in demand. The certification was developed by the associations Print and Media in cooperation with Fogra.
Current Information
- PSO-certified businesses
The PSO database contains all businesses which are successfully certified according to the original PSO standard.
more Info - Fogra Media Wedge CMYK V3.0
The Fogra Media Wedge CMYK is recognised globally as the control medium for the digital contract proof and has been used worldwide in its different versions since 1997. In accordance to Media Standard Print any proof that is designated as a contract proof must contain an Fogra Media Wedge CMYK V3.
more Info - PSOactive
As an extension of PSO certification by Fogra/Associations Print and Media, PSOactive offers surplus value through regular verification of PSO conformity and an increased appeal to clients. Every company using PSOactive regularly receives documentation of its production by means of evaluation tables.
more Info