This website is a co-production of the print and media associations in Germany and Fogra.
Responsible for the content:
printXmedia Süd GmbH
Managing director: Jens Meyer
Einsteinring 1 a
85609 Aschheim bei München
Telefon: (0 89) 3 30 36-240
Telefax: (0 89) 3 30 36-100
Domicile of company: Ismaning
Registration office: HRB 196 246 München
VAT Reg.No.: DE 280860700
Tax no.: 134/172/31491
Editor, contact person:
Dirk Müller
Telephone: +49 89 3 30 36-241
Telefax: +49 89 3 30 36-221
printXmedia Süd is not responsible for the sites which are referred to at this internet presence or linked from this site. All articles have been investigated with great care. However, neither author, publisher nor editorial staff can be made responsible for the correctness of the articles. From mentioning names and designation cannot be concluded that these are free of industrial property rights. All informations describe products in general form. They are no warranted characteristic in the sense of § 459, par. 2, BGB.
Design and realization of this site:
marketeam GmbH
Programming und hosting CMS system:
kon5 communications
Photo credits:
23172047 fovito, 61536041 chikala01, 61267084 chikala01, 49006493 Trueffelpix, 29405343 contrastwerkstatt, 22457108 Taras Livyy, 59830234 zefart, 33911179 nikbu, 74123193 WavebreakMediaMicro, 72574745 Syda Productions, 57325018 pressmaster, 44137310 Rehan Qureshi, 61026845 contrastwerkstatt -
Pictures from Fogra Forschungsgesellschaft Druck
Pictures from print and media associations